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I Can Write,Right? by Briton Underwood

I've reached that dilemma in life. Same dilemma that goes through every artist's head at some point. Yes, before continuing, I referred to myself as an artist. Anyone who thinks writing is not an art is not well read or has not written enough. Back to my dilemma, I have begun to question my ability. Not my ability to write as much as my ability to write differently. I'm not talking different style, talking about ability to write about any subject.

Writing about my kids has come easy. I enjoy being a father. I also enjoy spotlighting my children. But, I don't want to be a dad blogger. I keep trying to run away from that term, as if being typecast as just a dad is a death sentence. Truth is, I just want to know I have the versatility and ability to pick a subject and NOT mention my kids or how my past has made me the father I am.

So came Original Bunker Punks. And this was my chance! I could write about anything and it didn't have to be Punk Rock Papa! Yes! Win!

So I focused on setting myself apart from "Punk Rock Papa". What were the results? I've written piece after piece about being a parent. Showcased my inability to step away from the subject of parenting.

Back to the drawing board!

Refocused and determined to be different, more versatile, I wrote half a piece on sexuality, half a piece on homosexuality, half a piece on clothing and half a piece on pizza. Why can't four halves equal a whole? I can write a good two paragraphs before fizzling out. I began to write a real scorcher on politics. It would rock the political landscape and people would be in awe of my forward thinking as it relates to politics.


I've got a lukewarm half to a political piece.

It will never see the light of day.

I realized the problem I was running into. Every piece I've written I have taken a tiny bit of my heart and a tiny piece of my soul and sewn them into the words.

I write with passion.

I write with purpose.

That's what makes me an artist.

That's what makes me able to have this dilemma.

In that moment I felt relief. The fact that I was having issues, the fact that I couldn't write something I didn't feel a meaningful connection to- that meant I made it! I am now a writer! The whole short span of this I have felt like a pretender. Undeserved of such a prestigious title as writer. The affirmation, found in my inability to write about things that aren't particularly close to my heart, is quite simply, a breakthrough. While I don't consider myself a good or great writer, I am at least a writer.

A writer is an artist, so am I.

I write with passion, I write with purpose.

I will move past this point. Accept that, maybe, trying to write about things just to show versatility is not the way. I will write about what is near and dear to my heart. I will write about being a dad. I will write about sordid pasts. I will write with passion. I will probably finish that piece on pizza.

Briton Underwood- Briton’s popular blog, “Punk Rock Papa: Adventures In Fatherhood” is a hilarious yet heartfelt take on being a young father. He is a self- proclaimed hipster and father to two Punk Rock toddler twins and an up-and-coming baby Punk. Briton believes that Jesus loves all of His children, even the ones with Mohawks. He reigns over the blogging group, the “Brainstorm Bunker, a fast-growing blogging group who shares ideas and laughter with each other every day. Briton’s most prized possession is his pair of green skinny jeans. Follow him here:

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