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The Original Bunker Punks do Valentines Day

Describe the best Valentine's Day you've ever had.

Jenny: It was February 14, 2009. I don't want to go into too much into detail because I wrote a post on my personal blog. Amongst all the gifts Brandon gave me, hope was the best.

Briton: Hmm. Honestly? I can't remember a particularly special Valentine's Day. I have never quite put that much stock in holidays, I didn't even realize it was this coming Saturday until just now. Last year, the kids and I got Diana a ton of stuff, but we ended up giving it to her right after we got it! I hate waiting to give or receive stuff. Buy it and hand it over!

Tracy: Last year on Valentine’s Day, three of us- two straight girls and our gay guy friend- all went out to dinner together, exclaiming, “We don’t need boys! We have each other!” Then, after dinner, we went to the grocery store and bought We drank it at his house and were on Grinder and Tinder and who the hell else knows what other dating apps laughing our asses off and taking selfies. I have never laughed so hard in my life. It’s fun being single any day, even Valentine’s Day when you’re in good company!

Gretchen: This is hard. I mean, I spent a lot of my time in my 30 years not really thinking about Valentine’s Day. I have had some really good valentine's days but they don't always stick out to me. It wasn't until Patrick and I got together that Valentine's Day meant anything fun.

A few years ago he surprised me with a date to make jewelry. So cheesy and yet- so much fun. Just the two of us, in this little shop, making necklaces. We even learned about power stones- which we ended up using in our necklaces. It was fantastic. We went out to dinner and then found this little ice cream shop that makes homemade ice cream! It was probably one of the greatest dates that stick out in my mind.

Stephen:Valentines Day? No way its about the day after when all the single people go get candy on sale.

Describe the worst Valentine's Day you've ever had.

Jenny: February 14, 1997. It was a Friday, I was 14 years old and in the 8th grade. I rode the bus home with my best friend; I was going to spend the night at her house. I didn't feel like being there. I faked being sick and called my Mom. I wanted to be home.

My parents had had a big fight and Mom had kicked Dad out the week before. I never told any of my friends. My parents fought a lot. My dad wasn't perfect but my mom was forgiving. The love they share was and still is always there.

They picked me up together in our gray 1986 Grand Marquis. I was so happy to see them together.

Dad dropped Mom and I off at our house. The house he once lived in. I remember when he hugged me he said, "Give Mom time, I'll be back home soon."

They both knew why I couldn't stay the night with a friend, we just never spoke of it.

He did come back but it was days maybe even weeks later. Didn't matter, I was just glad he was finally home.

Briton: I really don't have anything that comes to mind! Every Valentine's without my beloved was the worst! Anyone buying that? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Tracy: Last year’s Valentine’s Day was also my worst Valentine’s Day because when I think about it, I still want to throw up and it’s been a year. The two of us girls took our guy friend’s bed and woke up feeling like the Grim Reaper had had his way with us. We stumbled out of the house riding the Hot Mess Express. We couldn’t find our car in the morning and had to have our guy friend drive us 3 blocks down the street after wandering aimlessly for a half hour. We all spend the whole day texting each other and bitching about how bad we felt. Ooops.

Gretchen: It has little to do with Valentine's Day and more with my mind set on that day- 2007…newly separated and completely bitter. My brother and sister-in-law decided to finally get married. I threw all of myself into the planning and decorating of our little trailer, where seven adults and four children were living. It was a beautiful snow covered day. It would probably be the last happy day for a while. After that emotions ran high in that little metal box. It was a great day, but the worst because in my bitterness I didn't allow myself to get wrapped up in the moment and appreciate the beautiful feelings of the day. Those memories might have sustained me in the coming months. The losses and deaths that followed. And the fear, hurt, anger and resentment that would follow till I ran away from that life.

Stephen: There really isn't a Valentines Day that sticks out as good or bad. I generally ignore the day. When your last relationship lasted 24 hours and was with a semi-pyschotic girl (I should probably blog about that experience huh?) its best to ignore a day dedicated to romance.

What does the word "love" mean to you?

Jenny: Love means the world to me.

I spent most of my life looking for love in all the wrong places. It wasn't until I was 22 that I realized I needed to love myself before I could love another person.

I closed my heart out for a couple years following that realization. I worked on me. I fell in love with myself. That's true love.

Once you're able to love yourself and know what love is, then you are capable of falling in love with others.

Love means a lot of things. Different things to everyone. To me, when I love someone I love them in the same way I love myself. Anything I would do for myself, I would do for someone I love.

Briton: God, these questions were designed to make me out as a horrid spouse, weren't they? Love is just a four letter word that escapes lips too easily nowadays. I don't take much stock in the word. I think it's a lot more significant to do things without saying anything, actions that require no words but show a beautiful connection. Those are what I take stock in.

Tracy: Love means caring about someone, hurting when they hurt, being happy because that person is happy. Love is being comfortable around someone and never judging. Love is patient, love is kind, love…oh wait. I got carried away with the clichés, sorry!

Gretchen: Love to me has too many meanings. In this life I have experienced so many sorts of love. The love given by family. The innocent love we have for our friends. Those loves of teenage years, that we believe to be our one and only true loves. That very first love that although all signs are pointing towards disaster, we put ourselves into fully. The love you feel for your children. Selfish love, love for my self- which led me to the path of TRUE love. True love is a level of comfort and security, a knowledge that you are finally at a place where you can love completely without holding back. It's soft yet hard. It's calm and yet exciting. Love might have one definition, but in reality there are more types of love that we face, than any other emotion out there.

Stephen: Love is about not being a dick.

What are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year?

Jenny: Same 'ol, same 'ol. Pizza, booze, a movie and sex. That's how we roll.

Briton: I'm going to get my wife chocolates and a card, I'm not an ass! Maybe I'll Jenny it with a pizza.

Tracy: I’m babysitting for a couple of my favorite munchkins so my friends can go out because their sitter crapped out on them and because I need to stay out of trouble and NOT wake up in the condition I did last year.

Gretchen: Well, we made a weekend of it…so far we attempted to make chocolate covered strawberries last night. Attempted because we never did dip those strawberries. In the true fashion of our relationship, we ran into a little mess up. Microwaving chocolate was a bad idea. The chocolate never melted. In fact, the first batch literally cooked and burned in its little cardboard container. Well, at least we got midday "cuddling" in... we snuck away.

This Saturday is all about the relaxing together and just appreciating our love!!

There is a surprise planned... A surprise I don't know about- set for Sunday... I must admit I am excited and I hate surprises. I was told I could get dressed up and for a person who spends the majority of my time in comfy pants and undecorated face... that is enough for me.

Stephen:Tacos and Gone Girl because Why Not?

Briton Underwood- Briton’s popular blog, “Punk Rock Papa: Adventures In Fatherhood” is a hilarious yet heartfelt take on being a young father. He is a self- proclaimed hipster and father to two Punk Rock toddler twins and an up-and-coming baby Punk. Briton believes that Jesus loves all of His children, even the ones with Mohawks. He reigns over the blogging group, the “Brainstorm Bunker, a fast-growing blogging group who shares ideas and laughter with each other every day. Briton’s most prized possession is his pair of green skinny jeans. Follow him here:

Tracy - Tracy has always loved telling funny stories; she currently logs her rants on her humor blog, "Tracy on the Rocks," which was a 2014 finalist for "Most Humorous Web Blog" in the popular Web Blog awards, the Bloggies. She has also been featured on BlogHer multiple times.

Tracy has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters, hotdogs, and anything pink. Her favorite thing to do- besides drink wine- is laugh until her stomach hurts (which doesn't take much, considering how much she also hates working out). She resides in San Diego and her biggest accomplishment to date is being the World's Best Auntie, according to those who matter!

Check out her blog

Jenny - “Life With the Bearded J’s,” is Jenny’s unapologetic take on being mom to three kids and wife to Brandon, “The Beard.” Jenny writes from her heart and she always calls ‘em like she sees ‘em. One day she will become a wine drinker because she thinks it will make her look cool to do the swirly thing in the glass. When she is not busy being SuperMom, she’s hiding in her bathroom sneaking in writing time or playing on Facebook while she pretends to poop.

Follow her bearded blog here:

Gretchen- Like everything she writes, Gretchen’s blog “How My Brain Works” is honest and heartfelt. Gretchen’s self-proclaimed “wandering brain” is a result of her trying to balance all the things! From wrangling four boys, working on her art projects, and being heavily involved in Scouts, she sometimes wonders how her brain works at all! Gretchen’s greatest achievements to date are not duct taping her children to chairs and being honored as a Trailblazer in Scouting. She is married to Patrick and has a serious obsession with tea, collecting owls and reading science fiction. Check out how her brain works here:

Stephen- Using his passion for music,movies and one liners Stephen co-admins Sobrunk and occasionally blogs. He is currently reevaluating his blogging and will be back with a new Blog soon.

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