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We’re a self-proclaimed bunch of “Punks,” so as you can imagine we don’t intend on implementing a whole lot of rules with the submission process. 
Please submit essays that are:
- Original 
- Previously unpublished 
- Something edgy or “different” – we want things that are unique and haven’t been done before.


We are looking to publish pieces from topics of all kinds that capture our attention. We want to be wowed. We love being different. Length is flexible but think along the lines of a blog post and show us what you’ve got!

You can submit through the form or via email: 
Please include the word SUBMISSION and the name of your blog (if applicable) in the subject line.
Include your work in the body or in a word document.

Come join the OBP movement!

Name *

Email *



Thank you for submitting to OBP. We'll get back to you as soon as possible

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